Saturday, August 22, 2009


The Philippine short film program is one of the best programs I have ever seen. The four films shown are uncompromisingly experimental. ETERNITY (1983, Raymond Red) makes me feel as if the film comes from a twilight zone. THE BRIEF LIFE SPAN OF FIRE: ACT 2 SCENE 2: SURING AND THE KUK-OK (1995, Auraeus Solito) is extremely beautiful. THE RETROCHRONOLOGICAL TRANSFER OF INFORMATION (1996, Tad Ermitano) feels like one of the best German films. SURREAL RANDOM MMS TEXTS FOR A MOTHER, A SISTER AND A WIFE WHO LONGS FOR YOU: LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES (2008, Christopher Gozum) is shocking, because it shows an eye operation in extreme close-up.


Adrian Mendizabal said...

This is good news for Filipino filmmakers... WOW!

celinejulie said...

This is my reply to Noel Vera in my English-only blog:

I must thank Alexis Tioseco for curating this excellent program.

I think SURING is one of the best animation, too. I think it also presents myth in an interesting way. Its presentation of nature also reminds me of TULI (2005, Auraeus Solito).

I just knew from my friend that Raymond Red is a student of Christoph Janetzko. Phaisit Phanphruksachat and Pimpaka Towira, two of the best Thai contemporary filmmakers, are students of Christoph Janetzko, too.

THE RETROCHRONOLOGICAL TRANSFER OF INFORMATION is a kind of sci-fi films I like very much—the kind which focuses on ideas instead of special effects. Many recent Thai films try to use special effects or CG with laughable results, except THE SPERM (2007, Taweewat Wantha), of which the filmmaker knows that ideas should come first.