1.6PM (Sinjai Piraisangjun + Palakorn Jiamtiranat, 20 min, documentary, A++++++++++)
6PM (สินจัย พิไรแสงจันทร์ + พลากร เจียมธีระนาถ, 20)
The broadcasting of Thai national anthem at 6PM every day is the topic which has been dealt with by at least 10 Thai short films during the past 15 years. However, I think 6PM represents one step forward in how to deal with this topic. This film not only observes the Thai people who pay respect to the national anthem, but also “disturbs” the myth in their minds.
2.95110 POSTAL DREAM (Taweewit Kijtanasoonthorn, 83 min, documentary, A+++++)
95110 เมืองในหมอก (ทวีวิทย์ กิจธนสุนทร, 83)
I like how the film deals with the young male drug addicts. I also like the story of the uneducated mother in this film very much.
3.69 (Somkid Pookpongs, 20 min, A+++++)
69 (สมคิด พุกพงษ์, 20)
This film is visually gorgeous. I’m also glad to see Sawanee Utoomma in this film.
4.NINE LAST DAYS (Pongsakorn Ruedeekulrangsee, 7min, A+)
๙วันสุดท้าย (พงศกร ฤดีกุลรังสี, 7)
This film is very lovely.
5.THREE KINGS (2011, Taiki Sakpisit, 6min, A+)
๓ กษัตริย์ (2011, ไทกิ ศักดิ์พิสิษฐ์, 6)
6.6 TO 6 (2010, Aditya Assarat, 20 min, A+)
6 to 6 (2010, อาทิตย์ อัสสรัตน์, 20)
7.TWO YEARS OLD (Pimnipa Jittateeraroj, 28min, C+)
2 ขวบ (พิมพ์นิภา จิตตธีรโรจน์, 28)
If this film wants us to hate its hero, it’s very successful at that.

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