Sunday, August 07, 2011

A FEMALE SLAVE (2009, Songtham Temple School, A+)

The film has English subtitles. You can watch this film here:

I have seen five films made by this school so far. I think they are extremely funny. The other four films are DANGEROUS SUMMER (Tatpol Rachnork, 21 min, A++++++++++), THE HORSED-FACE LADY (Narongchai Nakseejan, 22 min, A+), THE MIRACLE OF TIME-TRAVELLING LOVE (Wisanu Sang-urai, A+), and FIGHT, QUEER, FIGHT! (Sirinapa Senapol, A+)

What I like very much in A FEMALE SLAVE (นางทาส), THE HORSED-FACE LADY (แก้วหน้าม้า), and FIGHT, QUEER, FIGHT (สู้นะฮ๊า!) is the representation of teenage queer characters or teenage queer actors.

I think many Thai short films do a very good job of representing teenage queer characters/actors. Apart from the three films above, other Thai films which do this job very well are

1.403 (2008, Pavis Saosi-on, 18 min, A+)

2.I WILL RAPE YOU WITH THIS SCISSORS (2008, Napat Treepalawisetkun, 13 min, A++++++++++)

3.ONE CHOICE ONE CHANCE (เด็กชายด้ายแดง) (2008, Paween Bupphanhakun, 16 min, A++++++++++)

4.SUMMER TRIP (เพื่อน-รัก-ความทรงจำ) (2008, Khajornsuk Junkum, 30 min, A++++++++++)

5.TOYLET (ห้องน้ำฉ่ำรัก) (Somsak Sonphaeng, 30 min, A+)

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