If I understand it correctly, Apichart Phopairoj who wrote LAI KRARM is the same Apichart Phopairoj (อภิชาติ โพธิ์ไพโรจน์ หรือ อภิชาติ โพธิไพโรจน์), who directed SEARCHING FOR LOVE (ถามหาความรัก) (1984, A+) FRIENDS (เพื่อน) (1986, A-), LHORN (หลอน) (2003, B-), THE AGE OF LONELINESS (วัยแตกเปลี่ยว)(1979), THE VINYL RECORD IS BROKEN (แผ่นเสียงตกร่อง) (1979), THE SECONDHAND WOMAN (ผู้หญิงมือสอง) (possibly 1980), FROM THE HEARTS OF TEACHERS (จากครูด้วยดวงใจ) (1980), JUST TELL ME LOVE (เพียงบอกรักฉันสักนิด) (1985), and TWO DOZENS TWENTY FIVE (สองโหลยี่สิบห้า) (1986).
There are various Thai spellings for the name Apichart Phopairoj, so I'm not sure if there are 1, or 2, or 3 Apichart Phopairojs in the Thai entertainment business, but I guess there is only one.
I wanted to see THE SECONDHAND WOMAN very much. If I understand it correctly, this film won the best film award in the Tashkent Film Festival in USSR, which is in Uzbekistan now. I hope and pray that THE SECONDHAND WOMAN is not lost forever. There are many Thai old films which are lost forever due to the serious lack of film preservation in Thailand.
Thanks to Wiwat Lertwiwatwongsa for leading me to the novel LAI KRARM, and for Tone Tipayanon for telling Wiwat about the old bookshop which has this novel.

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