Sunday, August 12, 2012


The painting below is TORSION III (1955, Benjamin Frazier Cunningham)

This is what Panu Aree wrote in the catalogue of the First Bangkok Experimental Film Festival:

"In 1967 Banchong Kosanlawat was awarded a one-year Rockefeller III scholarship to study in the United States of America where he had a chance to be acquainted with two American painters, Larry Poons and, especially Ben Cunningham who taught him about eyes and art realization as well as inspired him to detail the human eyesight and ability to recognize color differences, all of which have played a vital role in EYE (1967), his or perhaps Thailand's first experimental film. His next experimental films included GAMMA (1968), VORTEX (1968), and THE CROSSING (1969), which is twenty-minutes long and was made during his further study at New York University and won many awards in various film festivals."

From Panu Aree's article, I learned that apart from Banchong Kosalawat, there are three important Thai experimental filmmakers at that time. They are:

1.Wannee Samranwej, who directed GRAPES (1972)

2.Dome Sukvong, who directed THE SUN BREAKS WHEN KILLING A WATERMELON (1973)

3.M.L. Warapha Kasemsee, who directed GLASS (1973) and MOVE (1974)

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